How Barack Obama Brought Africa to the Light as the US First Black President

 The year 2008 was one for the history books, the most incredible event happened, An African American went up against a white man in an attempt to win a presidential election. In January of 2009, the first African American president in America was inaugurated after beating his opponent John McCain. It was quite an unbelievable year given the history of African Americans and that win set the leaping stones for many African Americans and Africans around the world. Barack Obama had done the impossible, he competed against a white man and won.

It's no secret that African Americans originated from Africa. The slave trade and its history is one that still haunts the minds of Africans. Families and friends separated and sailed across the ocean to be used brutally and treated inhumanely. African Americans were born out of the slaves who had gained their freedom and retained their stay in America, even with so said freedom, the African Americans were treated less than the average white man, deprived of several rights until they fought back. So with years of oppression and inferiority watching a black man with African origins win the presidential election was an accomplishment for all Africans and black Americans. Barack Obama showed us that we can be more in a country where we have had to fight to be heard. 

With a president who understood the history and struggles of the African Americans in his country, change was envisioned. A president who would fight for the minority, a president who understood the struggles of how the colour of one's skin could be seen as a weapon, he had given hope to his people.  Before he became president, Barack had been doing works to help several people in America. He held positions in different political congregate enough to make changes and help people. With a lineage from Kenya, Barack reached out to his father's people in Kenya. He visited in the year 2006 which helped put light to his heritage and also made him infamous.  

Barack Obama rose up to his former position as the president of America through hard work and a heart to do good, let's not forget the charisma too but most importantly he stayed true to his ancestry and made efforts to understand his origins even though it might have been frowned upon.  Barack is a man who figured out that your origins help build your identity and in understanding his origins not only did he discover his identity, he also brought light to Africa in general.

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