I will wake up to my Koffee

It is morning, afternoon, evening or night somewhere in Africa. 

And whenever you read this, you are only present in the past.

Not literally as you think. The different times depict different things to the African man. Morning usually depicts something new, fresh and the beginning of a thing. Afternoon shows strength, will and courage to last. Evening shows ageing, strength in weakness and sometimes resilience. And since everything that had a beginning must have an end, night is rest - death.

Read: 5 Native African Foods You Should Try Out Today

If you are reading this post now, it's either your first time here or you have successfully navigated your way to our anchor post. So, this is the best time to wake up to meet the dawn - a pretty damsel with so much to explore in your love for the day.

Black African girl - koffeeafrica blog

By our beliefs, the African is

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